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Who is JD anyway?

Jerome Charles Davis (Jerry) aka: JD
Born: Seattle, WA.
Currently: Longview, WA.
Occupation: Professional Drummer 20 years
Blues Rockin band: "Code Blue"
Classic Rock band: "The River Batz"
Internet sales: Sportscards

Skating experiance:
Over 30 years 1st board Nash "goofy foot"
Current quiver: Main speed decks, Bozi cutaway
and many various other decks for longboard carving
Old School wide boards and slalom decks.
Skates many and almost every style.
Bombing very fast down hills
Surfing, Mt.Biking & Fishing
Irretating people by taping on everything!

God & my Family
Gene Krupa (Jazz drummer)
The original Z-Boys and the Cali 70s SK8 scene
Almost all styles of music
Brett Favre
Good Karma
Dude...get a haircut!